





生地はオーガニックコットン100%。植山織物という70年以上生地を織ってきた会社が手がける、Shuttle Notesのシャツ生地を使用します。ギンガムチェックを生地の密度の濃淡で繊細に表現し肌の透け感が絶妙です。







I have always felt that there are not enough options for white shirts made for women. 

While the myriad of options being available for men, I have been unable to find a white 100% cotton shirt that can be worn every day, for meeting people, or for work and professional occasions. 

Long being a fan of men's oxford button-down shirts, but gradually moved away as the heavy fabric of oxfords did not feel comfortable against my skin and the button-down design was too stiff for me. 

I don't think this is the only answer, however as a first step, we have made a satisfying option as a brand that focuses on comfort for the wearer.  

The fabric is 100% organic cotton, a high quality shirt fabric produced by Shuttle Note, a company that has been weaving fabrics over 70 years.  The gingham check is delicately expressed by the density of the fabric, and the transparency of the skin is exquisite. The sleeves and the back side are generously gathered to softly wrap the entire body. The regular collar is designed to look sharp when buttoned up and it can be worn effortlessly without revealing too much of the chest area by opening top two buttons.  The buttons are shell buttons with a soft shine.

Whether being worn alone or as a cardigan, the smooth breathable fabric is comfortable against the skin.

Please wash and dry it in a washing machine and wear it again and again. It will surely become one of your own.

Pre-orders will be taken from Saturday, August 20 to Monday, August 29. At the same time, we will also be accepting pre-orders for the Comfort Turtle, which has been a big hit since its debut.  Delivery is scheduled for early October.